The smallest of details can make the biggest difference in your salon service and experience.
Here is a helpful guide for the consumer to know what you should be mindful of to ensure you are getting the most out of your money spent when getting a blowout!
The “Blow out”, a service that is the common denominator of every salon your will ever go to. Fundamentally the first thing that every stylist learns in Cosmetology School. A service that you should expect any stylist at any salon to master, leaving you walking away feeling like you’re coming out to show yourself off to the world with bouncing silky locks that last for days. From my market research, this is however not always the case. Far too often I go to salons and pay a cost ranging between $45-$75 on average, and I am left feeling disappointed at some of the experiences I have personally encountered, yet sometimes pleasantly surprised!
As basic as a blow out is, there are a vast amount of variables that can make or break your satisfaction during a blow out service. It reminds me of going into a nail salon for a simple manicure and being left to point out all of the things wrong that you would expect your experienced technician would just naturally be aware of. Yet, it is so hard to find a good nail spot that gets it right and leaves you relaxed instead of stressed out that you’re paying your hard earned money for something that looks like your kid brother could have done better. Am I right ladies?
So back to the Blow out. As a hairstylist, I am very observant to all of the little details when I go into a salon to get services done. I pay attention to things like, what brand of shampoo and conditioner are being used. Is it a no name brand product that was bought for really cheap as to save money when washing clients, or is it a trusted luxurious product that is going to provide nutrients and luster to my hair? This is particularly important for me when it comes to getting blow outs, as I wear Hair Extensions full time and they can be very sensitive to chemical compounds and sulphates. If you also wear extensions, protect your investment ladies! This goes for highly processed blondes as well!

6 Key elements that no one talks about to get great blow out service
My preference is using a combination of Davines Treatment Oi Oil, and a light mist of Davines Oi Leave in Conditioner! This acts as a moisture barrier that prevents moisture loss during your blow dry, kills frizz, and leaves your hair silky and soft!
Make sure to ask up front if your blow out includes a finishing style, if that is what you want. More often than not, adding a curl or style costs extra. If you’re getting a finishing style, you should feel you are in good hands with someone who knows how to leave you looking its best! You should feel you have a stylist who is confident in working with hair, leaving you feeling like you are in trusted hands.
My philosophy is when paying, you should get a service that surpasses what you would be able to do yourself at home, “that” we have been calling “a great blow out”. That is simply my standard to feeling like the service was worth the expense. There is nothing worse than leaving a service where you feel like you need to go home and re-do it all yourself!
When you get a satisfactory service, it is money that is well spent! If you’re left feeling like you just paid full price, top dollar for a cosmetology student to practice on your hair, then something is wrong. However if you only paid $35 for an hour long service, and some serious man power, then that might explain a thing or two.
This might make you rethink before putting your trust into just anyone’s hands. I hope that this helps you make more insightful decisions and know what you are worth, and getting the most bang of your bucks!